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. Tree Farmer Alert

Monday, May 3, 2010

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Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

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Meeker Park Community Forest Sort Yard to reopen May 4

The Boulder County Forest Health Initiative is pleased to announce that the popular Meeker Park Community Forestry Sort Yard will open next week on Tuesday, May 4. Sort Yards are being established in Boulder County to help private forest landowners become more active stewards of their land and to provide a free of charge location to dispose of trees cut from their land during forest health improvement, bark beetle, and defensible space cutting projects. The Meeker Park Sort Yard is located on the Peak-to-Peak Highway just north of Allenspark.  The opening date is dependant on weather and may change if snowy or muddy conditions create access issues at the yard.  Please visit www.BoulderCounty.org/ForestHealth for the most up-to-date operational information. The sort yard will operate 5 days a week, Tuesday-Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m through mid-July, 2010.

Announcing: The 2010 Boulder County Chipping/Transportation Reimbursement Program

Once again, Boulder County is offering financial assistance to encourage mountain communities to conduct community based chipping projects.  This program is being offered to help promote the utilization of locally produced wood products and also to help communities remove/chip highly flammable slash.  Only chipping and/or biomass transportation costs will be reimbursed.  Reimbursement is not available for tree cutting costs. Subject to prior approval, the County will reimburse up to 40% of direct costs up to a maximum of $4,000 per community, or community organization. Ideal projects will provide a centralized location within the community to drop off biomass or else provide chipping and transportation services on a house-by-house basis. Communities, and community organizations, including incorporated towns, homeowner associations, and fire protection districts are eligible. Consideration will be given to all applications with a valid tax identification number. This is a competitive grant program and not all projects may be funded.  To receive more information including electronic application forms for this reimbursement program please visit: http://www.bouldercounty.org/foresthealth/pages/ChippingProgram.htm .  The applications are due by Friday May 28, 2010. 

Estes Park Tree Symposium May 8

The fourth annual Estes Park Tree Symposium will take place from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 8 at the Estes Park Conference Center, located at the Holiday Inn at 201 South Saint Vrain Ave. This educational event is free to the public and will include lecture sessions, panels and booths focused on forest-related topics including pine beetles, wildfire, landscaping, tree identification, biology, natural history and more.http://www.eptrail.com/ci_14969197

GCCI Special Meeting on Saturday May 8th

A meeting has been called by Gilpin County Citizens Initiative (GCCI) board member John Burtschi to discuss the status of GCCI and some proposed activities for this summer to improve forest health in the area and deal with the pine beetle epidemic.  John feels this is an opportune time to deal with the pine beetle and use local efforts to promote healthy forests.  The meeting will be at the Gilpin County Barn and start at 10am.  Pheromone pouches will be available for purchase and the large Gilpin County CWPP maps will also be present.  Gilpin County is currently in the process of implementing their first four CWPP projects in the north end of the county.
Gilpin County Citizens Initiative

All Mile High Tree Farm Workshop Video Segments Online

Visit www.TreeFarmer.com to see all eight segments of the Mile High Tree Farm Workshop. If you viewed the first two segments, you won't want to miss the exciting finale! http://www.treefarmer.com/videos.html


Please send you questions regarding any forest management related issues to stumpmaker@gmail.com We'll find an answer for you.

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Landowners who attend one of our tours in 2010 will receive the Colorado Colorado TTree Farmer's forest management manual, "Saving Your Forest". Currently certified Tree Farmers can get a manual by bringing a neighbor or friend to one of our tours.